The shooting of the film PK starring Aamir Khan was interrupted in Nashik, when the crew began its shoot at the famous Kala Ram Mandir on Monday, September 15, 2014.
According to trustee of Kala Ram Mandir Trust, Advocate Ajay Nikam, the shooting of the film PK starring Aamir Khan and directed by Rajkumar Hirani had commenced at the temple on Monday morning.
“The temple is a historic, heritage temple and filming or photography is strictly prohibited there. Notice boards announcing the prohibition are put up in the temple premises. Even the common visitor is not allowed to photograph”, said Adv Nikam.
When Adv Nikam objected to the shooting, the crew mentioned that they had already applied for permission to the temple trust on September 2, 2014, and one of the trustees had taken a fee of Rs 25,000 and allowed the shoot.
This matter turned out to be a case of miscommunication between the trustees. As it appears the said trustee who gave the oral permission did not put up the permission application on the meeting neither did he inform the other nine trustees. “Even the chairman of the trust did not know about the permission being given”, said Adv Nikam.
The shooting with Aamir Khan at Kala Ram Mandir was interrupted for a while. However, the trust board allowed the shooting to take place in what they said was a decision taken in the ‘interest of Nashik’.
“A renowned actor like Aamir Khan was shooting at the famous temple in Nashik. We did not want the industry to get a message that Nashik is unfriendly and also we thought that the temple will be seen all across through the film. So in the larger interest of Nashik we dropped the issue and allowed the shoot to continue”, stated Adv Nikam.
The film PK was already in the face of controversy due to the poster of the film.