Tuesday, May 26, 2015


नई दिल्ली। ट्रैफिक को सड़कों से पानी में उतारने की तैयारी है। ताकि बड़े महानगरों और मझोले-छोटे शहरों को ट्रैफिक जाम से निजात मिल सके। नदियों, झीलों और नहरों वाले शहरों में ट्रैफिक जलमार्ग पर डाइवर्ट करने की योजना पर काम शुरू हो चुका है। योजना के मुताबिक अगले साल तक दिल्ली से आगरा के बीच यमुना में रिवर बस चलने लगेंगी।इनलैंड वाटरवेज अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया ने काम शुरू कर दिया है।
ब्रिटेन की कंपनी से 70 होवरक्राफ्ट खरीदने की प्रक्रिया भी शुरू हो चुकी है। रक्षा मंत्रालय, गोवा शिपयार्ड औपचारिकताएं पूरी कर रहे हैं। नदियों, झीलों, समुद्र, नहरों पर बैराज और वाटर टर्मिनल बनाने के लिए नीदरलैंड सरकार तकनीकी सहयोग देने को राजी हो गई है। अब अगले तीन महीने में 101 नदियों, नहरों, झीलों और बैकवाटर को ट्रैफिक के लिए नोटिफाई किया जा सकता है। सड़क परिवहन और जहाजरानी मंत्री नितिन गडकरी ने दावा किया है ये योजनाएं कागजी नहीं हैं। दो साल में लोग इनसे वैसे ही वाकिफ हो जाएंगे जैसे आज मेट्रो से हैं।
7 राज्यों में बनेंगे जलमार्ग, 4200 करोड़ रुपए सालभर में होंगे खर्च
जलमार्ग ट्रैफिक के लिए उत्तर प्रदेश, केरल, असम, पश्चिम बंगाल, तमिलनाडु, बिहार और महाराष्ट्र सरकार ने सहमति दे दी है। दूसरे राज्यों से भी बातचीत जारी है। वाटरवेज अथॉरिटी को जलमार्ग विकसित करने के लिए इस साल 4200 करोड़ रुपए दिए गए हैं।
सड़क से तीन गुना सस्ता जलमार्ग
* जलमार्ग से परिवहन का खर्च प्रति किलोमीटर 50 पैसे आता है। जबकि ट्रेन से एक रुपया और सड़क से 1.50 रुपए खर्च आता है।
* शहरों में लिंक रोड सड़कों की जगह नदियों तक आएंगे। नदियों में रिवर बसें चलेंगी। एयरपोर्ट के लिए हेलीकॉप्टर जैसे सी-प्लेन चलाए जाएंगे। इसका किराया लग्जरी टैक्सी जितना होगा।
ध्यान रखना होगा कि रूट पर जरूरी मात्रा में पानी रहे। बारिश में नदियों में आने वाले गाद की सफाई भी जरूरी है- प्रो. नारायण रंगराजन, आईआईटी मुंबई के प्रोफेसर
देश में नदियों-झीलों को पार करने के लिए वाटर मोटरों का इस्तेमाल पहले भी होता रहा है। इसलिए यह काम मुश्किल नहीं - जी.रघुराम, आईआईएम अहमदाबाद के प्रोफेसर

Sunday, May 24, 2015


गुवाहाटी. असम के कोकराझार में अलीपुरद्वार से गुवाहाटी जा रही सिफुंग एक्सप्रेस बेपटरी हो गई। हादसे के दौरान ट्रेन का इंजन नदी के पुल से लटक गया। ट्रेन के पांच डिब्बे पटरी से उतरे और ड्राइवर समेत चार यात्री घायल हैं। जिन्हें अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है। ट्रेन के पटरी से उतरते ही यात्रियों में अफरातरफरी मच गई। इंजन के पास वाले डिब्बों के यात्रियों की सांसे अटक गईं।

पेड़ से भिड़ने के बाद हादसा
लोकल मीडिया रिपोर्ट्स के मुताबिक शुक्रवार रात तूफान आया था। एक पेड़ टूटकर ट्रैक पर गिर गया। सुबह 5.15 बजे जब ट्रेन गुजरी तो पेड़ से टकराकर बेपटरी हो गई। चर्चा है कि ड्राइवर ने ट्रैक पर पड़े ब्लॉक पर ध्यान नहीं दिया। इस वजह से हादसा हुआ। ट्रेन की स्पीड कम होने से बड़ा हादसा होने से टल गया। उत्तर पूर्व सीमांत रेलवे के प्रवक्ता प्रणव ज्योति शर्मा ने बताया कि सालाकाटी और बासुगांव स्टेशन के बीच हादसा हुआ है। हादसे के कारण अप लाइन पर कुछ यात्री गाड़ियों के संचालन में बाधा आई और कुछ यात्री गाड़ियों को रद्द किया गया है।

Saturday, May 16, 2015

He Asked Her If She Had A ‘Chut.’ She Gave Him An Answer He Will Never Forget

This married man is pretty much interested in knowing whether she conform to the qualifications of being a woman. And he is very curious about the anatomy of nether regions. His details are in the comment section. And whoever his wife is,Ma'am,you have my whole hearted sympathy for marrying such an offender.
PS: For the ones who do not understand Hindi, this guy asked whether I am endowed with female genitals or not. Or to use his language, a cunt.

Hours after Prerna posted this on Facebook, the alleged cyber bully posted a status claiming that his profile had been hacked. This is what he wrote:

Delhi Police came forward to help her. Muktesh Chander, Special Commissioner, Delhi Traffic Police, offered his support to the victim

SSC-CR Notified Recruitment for 78 Group B & Group C Posts 2015

Staff Selection Commission Central Region (SSC-CR) invited application for recruitment to the post of Group B & Group C. The candidates eligible for the post can apply through prescribed format before 05 June 2015.
Important Dates

  • Opening Date for Registration: 09 May 2015
  • Closing Date for Registration: 05 June 2015

Details of Post

  • Artist: 01 Post
  • Junior Investigator: 05 Posts
  • Head Constable (Finger Print): 07 Posts
  • Library Clerk: 02 Posts
  • Editor: 01 Post
  • Draftsman: 01 Post
  • Junior Zoological Assistant: 01 Post
  • Technical Assistant (Economics): 01 Post
  • Research Assistant: 02 Posts
  • Mount Designer: 01 Post
  • Artist Retoucher: 11 Posts
  • Senior Library & Information Assistant: 02 Posts
  • Data Processing Assistant: 03 Posts
  • Store Keeper: 01 Post
  • Junior Store Keeper: 01 Post
  • Accounts Clerk: 02 Posts
  • Eviction Inspector: 02 Posts
  • Assistant Curator: 07 Posts
  • Educational Assistant: 01 Post
  • Fisheries Research Investigation: 01 Post
  • Training Equipment Operator: 01 Post
  • Investigator: 03 Posts
  • Evaluation Assistant: 01 Post
  • Senior Technical Assistant: 01 Post
  • Superintendent of Govt. Hostels: 01 Post
  • Senior Technical Assistant: 01 Post
  • Assistant Welfare Administrator: 01 Post
  • Senior Technical Assistant: 01 Post
  • Research Assistant: 01 Post
  • Senior Technical Assistant (Chemical Fertilizer): 01 Post
  • Senior Technical Assistant Gr. II: 01 Post
  • Senior Technical Assistant (Sugar Technology): 03 Posts
  • Junior Scientific Assistant: 10 Posts

Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification

  • Artist: Matriculation or equivalent
  • Junior Investigator: Bachelor Degree in Economics from a recognized university
  • Head Constable (Finger Print): 12th pass from a recognized board or equivalent.
  • Library Clerk: Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized board or Institution
  • Editor: Higher Secondary or equivalent from a recognized university/board/institution
  • Draftsman: Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized board or Institution
  • Junior Zoological Assistant: Bachelor Degree in Science with Zoology from a recognized university
  • Technical Assistant (Economics): Bachelor Degree in Economics from a recognized university
  • Research Assistant: Master’s Degree on Criminology or Sociology or Social work or Psychology from a recognized university
  • Mount Designer: Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized board or Institution
  • Artist Retoucher: Senior Secondary pass qualification from recognized board or Institution
  • Senior Library & Information Assistant: Bachelor Degree from a recognized university
  • Data Processing Assistant: Masters Degree in Computer Application/Computer Science or M.Tech. or B.E/B. Tech. in Computer Engineering/Computer Science/Computer Technology from a recognized university or equivalent
  • Store Keeper: Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized board or Institution
  • Junior Store Keeper: Senior Secondary pass qualification from recognized board or Institution
  • Accounts Clerk: Senior Secondary pass qualification from recognized board or Institution
  • Eviction Inspector: Degree from a recognized University or equivalent
  • Assistant Curator: Masters degree in Museology or History of Art from  recognized University or equivalent
  • Educational Assistant: Bachelor Degree in Botany or Zoology from  recognized University or equivalent
  • Fisheries Research Investigation: B.Sc (Zoology)
  • Training Equipment Operator: Senior Secondary pass qualification from recognized board or Institution
  • Investigator: Masters Degree from recognized university or equivalent in Anthropology or Sociology
  • Evaluation Assistant: Degree In Statistics, Mathematics, Economics, Sociology or social work of a recognized university
  • Senior Technical Assistant: Degree in Agriculture followed by PG degree in Agronomy/Plant Breeding/Genetics of a recognized University or equivalent
  • Superintendent of Govt. Hostels: University degree with a good knowledge of spoken English and Hindi
  • Assistant Welfare Administrator: degree from a recognized University in any one of Social Sciences with Economics, Sociology etc
  • Research Assistant: Diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from  recognized University or equivalent

How to Apply
Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the post by visiting the official site of SSC at www.ssconline.nic.in on or before 05 June 2015.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

My Stupid Suicide Plan

I can rant about the educational system and how it requires serious fixing, or I can address the immediate-try my best to prevent such suicides. For this column I have chosen the latter, and I do so with a personal story.

News of a suicide always brings back one particular
childhood memory. I was 14 years old when I first seriously contemplated suicide.

I had done badly in chemistry in the Class X half yearly exam. I was an IIT aspirant, and 68% was nowhere near what an IIT candidate should be getting.

I don’t know what had made me screw up the exam, but I did know this, I was going to kill myself. The only debate was about method.

Ironically, chemistry offered a way. I had read about copper
sulphate, and that it was both cheap and poisonous. Copper sulphate was available at the kirana store. I had it all worked out.

My rationale for killing myself was simple-nobody loved me,
my chemistry score was awful, I had no future and what difference would it make to the world if I was not there. I bought the copper sulphate for two rupees-probably the cheapest exit strategy in the world.

I didn’t do it for two reasons. One, I had a casual chat with the aunty next door about copper sulphate, and my knowledgeable aunty knew about a woman who had died that way. She said it was the most painful death possible, all your veins burst and you suffer for hours. This tale made my insides shudder. Second, on the day I was to do it, I noticed a street dog outside my house being teased by the neighborhood kids as he hunted for scraps of food. Nobody loved him. It would make no difference to the world if the dog wasn’t there. And I was pretty sure that its chemistry score would be awful. Yet, the dog wasn’t trotting off to the kirana store. He was only interested in figuring out a strategy for his next meal. And when he was full, he merely curled up in a corner with one eye open, clearly content and not giving a damn about the world. If he wasn’t planning to die anytime soon what the hell was I ranting about? I threw the copper sulphate in the bin. It was the best two bucks I ever wasted.

So why did I tell you this story? Because sometimes the pressure gets too much; like it did for the IITian who couldn’t take it no more. On the day he took that dreadful decision, his family and friends were shattered, and India lost a wonderful, bright child. And as the silly but true copper sulphate story tells you-it could happen to any of us or those around us.

So please be on the lookout, if you see a distressed young soul, lend a supportive, non-judgmental ear. When I look back, I thank that aunt and that dog for unwittingly saving my life. If God wanted us to take our own life, he would have provided a power off button. He didn’t, so have faith and let his plan for you unfold. Because no matter how tough life

Student of IIT Bombay Found Dead in Campus

MUMBAI:  A student of IIT Bombay has been found dead in campus. It was apparently a case of suicide and he has left a note, say sources.

Jitesh Sharma, 21 -- a third year student of chemical engineering -- was suffering from depression and was undergoing counselling at the institute, sources said. 

His body was found on the terrace of a hostel in the campus last evening. The young man, who was from Rohtak, lived in a different hostel.

Preliminary investigations indicted that he had consumed some poisonous substance. A container of sodium azide acid, a highly corrosive substance, was found next to his body.
The suicide note, which was written in Hindi and found in his room, indicated that he was worried about the results of his exams and was apprehensive about not getting a good placement.

"I should not have been into this field. I did a mistake by passing JE exam. I have learnt to be away from my parents," the note read, according to sources.

Jitesh was apparently not doing well in studies and was yet to clear a few subjects from his first year semester exams, sources said.  
He had sat for two exams - one on April 24 and another on April 29 -- repeat exams that he failed to clear in first year. The family was aware he was under stress, said police sources.

An accidental death report has been registered and further investigations are on, the police said.

lucknow city unmarried girl gave birth to child in washroom of collage

अविवाहित छात्रा ने कालेज के शौचालय में जन्मा बच्चा...

लखनऊ। अलीगढ़ के एक डिग्री कालेज में परीक्षा देने आई एक अविवाहित छात्रा ने कालेज के शौचालय में एक बच्चे को जन्म दे दिया। कालेज के शौचालय में छात्रा के बच्चे को जन्म देने की खबर से शहर में सनसनी फैल गई।
अलीगढ़ के वार्ष्णेय डिग्री कालेज में ग्रामीण क्षेत्र की एक छात्रा बीए तृतीय वर्ष की परीक्षा देने आई थी। इस छात्रा ने परीक्षा के बीच में ही कालेज के शौचालय में बच्चे को जन्म दे दिया।

अलीगढ़ के इस कालेज में अपने तरह की इस पहली घटना से सनसनी फैल गई। छात्रा तथा नवजात को जिला अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है। अस्पताल में लड़की तथा बच्चे को भर्ती कराने के बाद घर में सूचना दी गई। लड़की के घरवाले अब किसी भी कीमत पर लड़की तथा बच्चे को अपनाने को तैयार नहीं हैं। अस्पताल में मौजूद लोगों ने बताया कि छात्रा का प्रेमी उसी के गांव का निवासी है